Curriculum at Sunnyside Preschool


Curriculum Statement

An emergent and thematic based curriculum will engage children in learning skills through a variety of methods while addressing district and state standards. Meaningful connections and multi-sensory experiences will occur in whole group, small group, one-on-one, and individual learning centers. The solid skills in reading, writing, and math will be taught with a variety of tools and materials to meet the needs and levels of each learner.

Assessment Overview

Assessments are an integral part of each student’s portfolio; its data communicates your child’s growth in learning and mastery of curriculum standards. Individual Learning Portfolios will consist of a collection of formal and informal assessments. Your child’s progress will be documented through writing samples, drawings, reading level assessments, self-evaluations and developmental checklists. Documentation of peer interactions and class participation will also be included. This information is also gathered through the observations of our classroom activities along with the practice of the below listed curriculum we offer throughout the school year.

    • HANDWRITING – utilizing the Learning Without Tears curriculum
    • ART
    • MATH
    • W.O.W. – World of Wonder
    • LITERACY – utilizing the David Matteson workbooks


They are great with the kids and provide a lot of adventures and learning experiences – as well as a fun, educational environment.
– Linda P.